Affordable and Beautiful DIY Headboard Ideas

Affordable and Beautiful DIY Headboard Ideas


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21. Faux-Bois Faux Headboard

Faux-Bois Faux Headboard
Faux-Bois Faux Headboard

Instead of constructing a headboard, paint one on the wall behind your bed. To make this faux-bois headboard, you’ll need a wood-graining tool — a rubber roller that is engraved with a wood-grain pattern. Look for the tool in the paint section at a crafts store. Mask off the area where you’ll be painting the headboard with painter’s tape. Paint a base coat (we used a light blue); let dry. Mix 4 parts glaze medium with 1 part paint in a darker color. Apply the glaze mix using the wood-graining tool and following the manufacturer’s instructions of rocking the tool back and forth as you pull it across the surface. Repeat until complete. Remove masking and let dry. Spray with a clear finishing sealer, if desired.



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