Super Amazing String Pendant Lamp

Super Amazing String Pendant Lamp


Spread the Lovely Idea :)
Super Amazing String Pendant Lamp - Step 2
Super Amazing String Pendant Lamp – Step 2

Then, secure one end of the crochet thread to the knot on the balloon by either loosely tying it, or taping it into place.  We didn’t tie it because we’re gonna need to get back into the balloon later…like I said.

Super Amazing String Pendant Lamp - Step 3
Super Amazing String Pendant Lamp – Step 3

The fabric stiffener is what keeps the thread in the shape of a sphere once the balloon is popped, so it’s pretty important.

To really coat the thread well we found that you need to allot around an entire 16 oz. bottle of fabric stiffener per lamp globe.

You can either pre-soak the thread and then wind the balloon with wet thread, which will ensure that every piece of thread is properly saturated with stiffener.  Or, if you are afraid of making a mess, you can wrap the balloon with dry thread, and then dredge/brush the balloon in the stiffener once it has been wrapped.

Click [4] below the advertisement for the next step. 😀


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