I love the amazing ideas featured in this site. What a great help when we did some home improvements! Thanks IdeasToLove Team! 🙂
I was really amazed when I saw several do-it-yourself stuffs in this site. In fact, I made some and sold those to my friends. I may be putting a business for amazing crafts and I will get some more pretty ideas from this site. IdeasToLove.com is really a big help to me and to my family. Thanks Ideas to Love Team! 😀
These cool glow-in-the-dark log stools would be the perfect out-of-this-world seating arrangement. What an easy way to spice up your backyard seating area or very cool for the campfire! There’s nothing we love more than an outdoor cookout on a summer night. Sitting around the fire, enjoying nature, and cooking up delicious meals are what summer is known for around here. And you don’t even have to worry about tripping over the logs when the fire goes down.
Make these glow-in-the-dark log campfire stools, you don’t even need real logs to create these stools, just seating that can be transformed into chairs that glow in the night.
Wonderful DIY Glowing in the Dark Log Campfire Stools
Click [2] below the advertisement for the steps on how to make it.
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