A magical touch to the realities of the world can give us a surreal feeling. This is exactly what Canadian painter, Robert Gonsalves, does with his paintings which are categorized as being part of ‘Magic Realism.’ His beautiful works create such optical illusions that you will be forced to look at each painting numerous times, and each time with a new perspective. There are unclear boundaries in these paintings and you will simply be left marveling at these masterpieces.
He started to paint at an early age and by the time he was 12, he knew about perspective techniques and architectural designs, and started painting imaginary structures and paintings. He has made some 70 paintings to date and completes almost four of them in a year.
#1 – A beautiful Moon
This painting depicts an amazing amalgamation of the vastness of outer space and the beautiful depths of a valley. Can you decide whether the girl, who is floating on the lake, is viewing the earth from the space or a valley? Well, even we can’t decide, but we can say that whatever it is, it’s pure magic.

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