DIY Solar Lights in Jars

DIY Solar Lights in Jars


Spread the Lovely Idea :)

These mason jar lightings are definitely cute come night time. Admit it, seeing it in the pictures makes you smile already! Now why not make a few for yourself? 🙂

DIY Solar Lights in Jars
DIY Solar Lights in Jars


  • Solar lights; the silver-topped ones show through the jar a little less
  • Clamp style jar with a glass lid
  • Glass frosting spray – you can find this is the paint section
  • AA 2300mAh rechargeable; NiMh Energizer battery holds more power
  • Stained glass or window paint
  • Newspaper
  • 2-4 popsicle sticks or toothpicks
  • Loctite Repair Extreme Adhesive
  • Phillips screw driver


  • Spread the newspaper on your work area. It would be ideal for you to do this outdoors.
  • Clean the jar by wiping it with clean dry cloth. Turn the jar upside down on top of the popsicle sticks.
  • Frost the jar for a glowing effect. Make sure you keep the lid away or covered while spraying. Hold the spray paint about six inches far and apply evenly. You will barely see what is happening with the glass while you are spraying; don’t stay too long and wait until you really see the paint because you will only have to coat it lightly. It’s easier to do a second coating, than try to repair drip marks. Let it dry completely.
  • Unscrew the solar lights from their plastic bulb. Replace the battery with your new battery.
  • Lay the jar lid upside down on a flat surface. Use adhesive to stick the light, making sure that you placed it correctly so that it can receive the sunlight through the glass lid. Set it aside overnight to dry completely.
  • For the colour of your lights, simply paint the tiny bulbs with the stained glass paints using a toothpick.
  • Close the jar, clamping it. Leave it where sunlight can reach it, and see it glow in the dark!
DIY Solar Lights in Jars
DIY Solar Lights in Jars

Source: Put It in a Jar @


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