Here’s one way to recycle PET bottles. And while you are at it, bond with your kids by asking them to put faces on those grass seed planters. 🙂

- Empty plastic bottles
- Scissors
- Nail or pen to create holes at the bottom of the bottle
- Soil
- Grass seeds
- Googly eyes or cardboard/paper and markers
- Glue gun
Simply cut the bottles at about 1/3 of its size, and puncture the bottom of it with a nail, creating 3 small holes for excess water to drain.
Then ask your kids to help create the face. They can use the bottle cap as nose, and also draw the eyes on paper or cardboard.
Fill them up with soil, leaving about half an inch of space.
Sprinkle the seeds and add some more soil on top.
With proper care, your kids will see the planters green hair in time!
Read also: Monster-Like Bottle Pencil Holder
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