Freaky Head in a Jar

Freaky Head in a Jar


Spread the Lovely Idea :)
When you are satisfied with the layer placement, blending, and lighting levels, merge your layers together. Next, resize the image to fit your paper space. You can enlarge your image to crop out the neck and top of the head, or you can work more brush magic in these areas; such as with the clone stamp tool, or prediction tool (depending on your photo editor).


After saving the image, print it out. There should be an option in your print dialogue box that enables you to fill the page with your image, this will be “fit to media” or something to that effect.
When I printed mine it printed with a small white margin. Since I wanted just the image I used a paper cutter to trim off the white border.


Since this image will be submerged it needed to be laminated so it wouldn’t disintegrate.


Click [5] below the advertisement for the next steps.


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