Freaky Head in a Jar

Freaky Head in a Jar


Spread the Lovely Idea :)
To merge the two faces together you’ll need to remove the face portion of the profile image. Make a selection to eye on the profile (picture 1) and delete the face (picture 2). Then, move the profile picture to one side of the portrait to match the location of the eyes (picture 3).


Select the erase tool and set it to a soft brush. Erase the edge of the profile picture where the two faces meet. Changing the opacity of the eraser you can work the brush to feather away some of the details and blend the two images.



With one side completed, make a copy/duplicate of the profile and paste to a new layer. Flip the copy horizontally and move over to the other side of the portrait picture.


You may need to adjust the levels of the duplicate layer to match the portrait, and use the eraser tool again to feather away portions of the duplicate profile to blend into the portrait.


Don’t worry too much about the chin and neck, these will be cropped out of the picture when you’re ready to print. You should have a reasonable version of a flattened head.


Click [4] below the advertisement for the next steps.


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